Thursday, March 25, 2010


just talked with Jason for over an hour
about all of the shit that's going on in our circle of friends.
he's been hearing other peoples' sides to things, and in the spirit of fairness, I told him mine.
ALL of mine.
Including the conversation that Claudia had with me about "someone" telling her that I was planning on leaving him for Brad.

I hope that doesn't make him insecure :/
I stressed many many times how it wasn't true and it upset me that people were saying that, and that I was afraid of him getting his feelings hurt over it.

I know its unfair to assume that it was Angela, but honestly, I can't help but jump to that conclusion.

And I can't even begin to describe how much my feelings are hurt that Claudia would believe Angela over me...I've been there with and for her, as she has with and for me. In just over a year and a half, we've been through many trying situations, and things always work out in the end for us. I hope things are the same this time :/
I can honestly say that I have more respect for her than any other Kappa does, so it really stings that she would believe someone she practically just met over me, but like I said, things will be worked out.

Thank you Jason for listening to my bad dream, and I'm sorry we got into the conversation we did tonight about all of this, but thank you for making me feel better about it all :)

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