Tuesday, July 20, 2010

strangest dream ever.

That I don't really want to get into.
One thing, I finally snapped and beat the hell out of Claudia in it.

I woke up in a terrible mood. I felt this way a lot in high school, and dealt with it in a not so healthy way. But, I'm trying my damndest to stay away from old habits, hence the writing instead.,
I told myself if I ever felt the desire to do that again, I could best it by writing things out.
Not sure what to write about though.

I don't even know why I feel so god-awful. No real reason to, it was only a dream....

So, I will continue to do exactly what I am doing- dozing on the couch- until I feel beter or Vanessa gets here, whichever comes first. If i don't move from where I am, I can't do what my head is screaming for me to, right?

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